
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Ep 134 Guardians of the Galaxy Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
It's commentary time on Do You Expect Us To Talk? and as we end Phase two of Marvel, It is Becca's choice and its Guardians of the Galaxy. Join us on our viewing of Marvels first space adventure on a variety of different formats as we talk about anything and everything but the movie itself. This includes old video shops, the sad tale of J R Hartley, more ranting on Bond and the more serious subject of Hollywood perversion and if that damages the work of the artists... Oh and we also talk about the film a little bit.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Captain America: Civil War

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ep 133 Ant-Man : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ok..... the wait is over. Sorry for the delay folks, but we're back determined to finish Marvel and we pick up where we left off with Ant-Man. Following Hank Pym who has been a recluse after leaving shield to protect his shrinking technology. When a past protege Darren Cross seems close to recreating his technology to sell it to the wrong hands, he seeks out Scott Lang, a thief fresh out off jail trying to reconnect with his daughter. With the help from Hank's daughter Hope, they must pull off a heist to steal the Yellowjacket and destroy the research to stop it falling into the hands of Hydra.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we discuss why Edgar Wright is not directing, the welcome return of Micheal Douglas, the success of changing genres, does Paul Rudd ever age, how great Michael Peña is, Judy Greer type cast mum, good stepfather representation and would we still do 60-year-old Hayley Atwell?
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Guardians of the Galaxy Commentary

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ep 132 Avengers: Age of Ultron : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Do You Expect Us To Talk? Returns back to Marvel as we take the second Avengers film, Age of Ultron. The plot sees the team finish off Hydra as they finish making experiments on twins providing them with abilities. Tony foresees the destruction of the world along with the team, the "endgame" if you will. Tony now wanting to preserve the safety of the world creates the ultimate AI failsafe, Ultron. Little did he know that Ultron would draw to the conclusion that humanity needs to be wrapped out. Now it's up to the team to clean up and save humanity.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we discuss expectations diminished, Tony Stark never really learning anything, romances coming out of nowhere, wasted potentials, three year wait for teases crap characters from GTA.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Ant-Man

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
The Crow : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Do You Expect Us To Talk? returns with a special listener commissioned episode on The Crow. Starring Brandon Lee after his tragic on-set death, he plays a man who returns from the dead to avenge his and his lovers' death in a crime-ridden Detriot.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as Chris tell the difference between Will Smith and Sean Connery, the classic cinematic masterpiece God's of Egypt, the Chronicle of Riddick Bowe, 90's music scene and we forget how to sign off.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return Avengers Age of Ultron

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Do You Expect Us To Talk Christmas Commentary : Scrooged
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
It's Christmas time is upon us yet again as treat our listeners with a Christmas gift for a third year with a commentary. This year, it's our wonderful host Becca's choice as we take on the 80's modern-day version of A Christmas Carol, Scrooged. Starring the only man who can get away with being an arsehole and still be lovable, Bill Murray who's a TV executive who enjoys walking over people to find success, gets a visit from three spirits on Christmas Eve to save his soul.
Follow Becca, Dave and Chris as we talk through what the Radio Times top Christmas films are, what we might cover next year, why no one ever talks about if Die Hard is a Christmas film or not, why this is better than the Muppets one, what happened to Karen Allen and Lee Majors (Action Star).
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return
Merry Christmas Everyone

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ep 131 Superman The Movie Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Its commentary time again in order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Superman the Movie, Do You Expect Us To Talk? sat down with Charlie Brigden to watch the classic from 1978. You can find our original review here.
Sit back and listen to Becca, Dave, Chris and Charlie as we discuss the lack of sex in brief encounter, our hot take on the Goonies, Superman ignoring crimes while trying to get laid, John Glen directing the double-taking pigeon and just how iconic the music is.
Charlie has his own website and podcasts found at the Moviedrone site, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with our Christmas commentary

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ep 130 Guardians of the Galaxy : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Do You Expect Us To Talk? continues with Marvel with what was seemingly the biggest gamble yet, Guardians of the Galaxy. Set in another Galaxy, it follows Peter Quill who was abducted by aliens after witnessing his mother's death from cancer. Now he's adventurer out to make a quick buck while running from smugglers and just upsetting a dangerous force Roan who seeking power to destroy anything that's not considered pure. Peter encounters Gamora (adopted daughter of Thanos), Rocket (Racoon), Groot (a tree) and Drax (an alien who takes everything literally), who reluctantly join forces to save the galaxy.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we discuss, the new Marvel titles and where it's placed, why we sounded shit 2 weeks ago, get nostalgic about Walkmans and how they pale in comparison today and Dave constructs the greatest joke of all time.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
If you like to throw us a buck or two you can do it on Patreon
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Superman The Movie Commentary

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Ep 129 Creed 2 : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Do You Expect Us to Talk? returns with our review of Creed 2 to top up on our Rocky series as its current release. Creed 2 see's Micheal B Jordans Adonis "Donnie" Creed recently the new heavyweight champion, when his fathers (and Rocky's past raises its head in the form of Ivan Drago and his son who challenges him to regain a lost glory.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we discuss, why it should all end here, Dolph Lundgren not being shit this time, pretending Rocky 4 had some substance, who cried at what and how Brigitte Nielsen looks now.... spoiler... not great.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
If you like to throw us a buck or two you can do it on Patreon
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Guardians of the Galaxy

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Ep 128 Captain America: The Winter Soldier : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Finally...... DO YOU EXPECT US TO TALK IS BACK...... sorry for the delay folks. what did we miss? Anyway, we're picking up where we left off with Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This sees Steve Rodgers, now living in a modern world struggling to find what's right and wrong, as Shield appears to be up to some crooked shit. Meanwhile, the mysterious assassin Winter Soldier seems to have a familiar resemblance.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we discuss Chris's hot take on Robert Redford, somehow making this episode one of the filthiest episode yet (guess we needed to get it out of our system), why do we think the world cup is important, Sam Jackson's light-saber, wasted potentials, Jim Dale, and of course... how could you not talk about Captain America: The Winter Soldier without talking about.... Carry On Columbus.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
If you like to throw us a buck or two you can do it on Patreon
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Guardians of the Galaxy

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Ep 127 Thor The Dark World : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Do You Expect Us To Talk? returns with the second Thor movie. Thor has been battling to bring peace to the five realms as the Dark Elves from the accent past return to seek dominance. Meanwhile, Jane finds a mysterious matter that infuses her DNA making her a Target.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we struggle to come up with anything in depth to say, Christopher Eccelstone a **** or not, how big Stone Henge and is it overrated or not, how this movie rips off Austin Powers and why the Asgardians should never look after stuff.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
If you like to throw us a buck or two you can do it on Patreon
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Captian America The Winter Solider