
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Ep 69 Rocky 2 : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Ding Ding. Round two... It's the rematch we've all been waiting ever since last week. Yes the champion Apollo Creed goes one on one again with the Italian Stallion to prove to the world that last time was a fluke. Meanwhile, Rocky gets married and tries to adapt to fame and life outside of boxing as Adrian is pregnant with a baby chimp.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we discuss Stallone's bouffant hair and tasteful fashion sense, hairy children, movie comas and what really happened at Rocky's and Creeds third match.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Rocky 3

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Ep 68 Rocky : Do You Expect Us To Talk
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Ding Ding... Round one of a new series for Do You Expect Us To Talk as we cover the Rocky series. This is a fist viewing for our host Becca, so Chris and Dave are keen to find out her thoughts on what is the best (and only... we think) boxing franchise. Starring Sylvester Stallone in his break out role as Rocky Balboa, a southpaw past his best given the chance of a life time, a shot at the world heavy weight championship.
Listen as Becca, Chris and Dave as we talk about how we nearly ended up with a different actor, is drinking raw eggs good for you, Rocky's creepy first date and just how bad does those joggers look?
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Ep 67 Skyfall Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
As we finish another series we briefly return to the franchise that started it all. We return to Bond and what is probably the most celebrated film in recent memory, Skyfall. This is where Becca, Chris and Dave sit back and watch the BluRay of Skyfall and then continue to talk allover it.
Join us as Dave sates his love for fan fiction, Viz letters, how evil Mallory must have been to send a drunk into combat and re-imagine the Eiffel Tower with our beloved Judi Dench.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Rocky

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 66 Superman Returns : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
So we finally reached our final adventure with The Man of Steel in Superman Returns. The 2006 film in which Bryan Singer left the X-Men to make a love letter to the original Richard Donner film. Starring Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey, the film picks this from the original two films and superman has been gone for 5 years looking for the last remains of Krypton. Upon returning, he finds the world has changed from where he left it and now must adapt internally as the world gains back its saviour.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we talk about Superman’s main ability of lifting stuff, what cinematic universe should Roger Moore’s Bond join, the lack of fruit, Kate Bosworth’s failed attempts at smoking and how desirable is Lex Island and who did he commission as a cartographer for it’s graph
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Skyfall commentary

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 65 Superman 4 The Quest for Peace : Do You Expect Us to Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Is it bird.. is it a plane… no it’s a film franchise crashing and burning. This week we continue with the story of the Man of Steel as he takes on a nuclear weapons with a budget of £10.50. When a school kid (who’s even more annoying than Ricky from the last film) writes a letter asking Superman to rid the world of nuclear weapons, Superman does just that with no issues from other nations. However Lex Luthor has other ideas and plans to cash in and makes a naw super being Nuclear Man (not Dolph Lundgren) using a lunchbox and a strand of hair.
Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we talk about what the hell we just watched, Superman abusing Lois, how exactly does Nuclear Man has Gene Hackman’s voice, just how much Christopher Reeve really wants to be here and how many times we see that same shot of Sups flying towards the camera.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Superman Returns

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 64 Superman 3 : Do You Expect Us to Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Is a bird… is it a plane… no it’s superman carrying Richard Pryor for artistic reasons that baffle us all to this day. This weeks episode we continue in our flight with the third superman adventure and ponder what was going through their heads as they were making is.
Christopher Reeve is back as the man of steel as it quietly pushes Lois out of the story so he can romance out high school crush Lana and her annoying brat of a kid. Meanwhile Gus played by Richard Pryor finds out he’s a computer genius by accident and is used by not Lex Luthor to help control coffee and oil using a machine that controls the weather.
Listen as Becca, Dave and Chris talk about this Richard Pryor comedy classic, Superman’s priorities attending birthday parties, what were they thinking, why Gus just doesn’t make any sense, just how that super computer was built, the greatest opening to a movie ever and just what exactly where they thinking.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Superman 4 The Quest for Peace

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 63 Superman 2 : Do You Expect Us to Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
This episode of Do You Expect Us to Talk continues with the Superman saga with Superman 2. Arguably the most popular superman film, Christopher Reeve returns with a comedic slapstick director taking over Richard Donner and adding goofy shit. General Zod and his goons break free from the phantom zone and fly to earth to rule. While this happens, Clark contemplates the price of being the saviour of the planet and give it up for love with a high cost.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we talk about the differences between the original and the Donner cut, just how fast Lois can fly to France, the problems with honeymoon rackets, made up super powers and of course fruit.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Superman 3

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 62 Superman The Movie : Do You Expect Us to Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Is it a bird…. is it a plane…. it’s a man wearing bright blue spandex and a red cape? No it’s another episode of Do You Expect Us to Talk as we start another franchise with arguably the biggest superhero of them all…. Superman.
Please note that we’re not covering Man of Steel and Batman Vs Superman… we’ll save that for the current train wreck that is the DC universe films (quality of the future of said films may or may not have changed at time of writing)
Directed By Richard Donner, Superman The Movie tells the full origin of how Superman came to earth to become the saviour of the planet and fall in love with Lois Lane. Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we fly around the world to turn back time to revisit Christoper Reeve still being the best on screen superman, Lois dressed for Hi Di Hi, Clark grabbing muff, Brando playing it like a bagel, a new segment of the show involving fruit and how the ending makes not one like of sense no matter how you look at it.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Superman 2

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Ep 61 Moonraker Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
First of all.. apologises for the audio issues in this episode, Chris experienced microphone issues that only appeared after the recording had finished. There’s about 40 minutes of Chris missing that leaves out his inspired casting choice for Foghorn Leghorn.
After receiving a suggestion that we should do more commentaries on Bond films, we thought it was a great idea to come back to Bond and stay true to our roots by doing a bonus commentary between series. Here we start with Moonraker and enjoy seeing Roger Moore go to space, drive face first into someone’s butt in midair and Drax’s inability to murder him on private property.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Superman The Movie.

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Ep 60 Star Trek Rankings : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
So now we’ve reached the end of our Star Trek journey with our rankings episode. Just like we did with Bond, Becca, Dave, Chris and guest Charlie Brigden count upwards to our favorite Star Trek movie. There will be shocks, surprises and most of all indifference as we talk our way through the naffness to get to the gold.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Movie Drone, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return