
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Ep 50 The Voyage Home Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Commentary time again and it’s the one while the whales, Becca, Dave, Chris and Charlie sit down and watch Star Trek 4 so natually we talk about coming to america staring eddie murphy. Listen to hear us discuse Shatner’s acting skills, Uhura’s sole glow hair and why Chris should pay attention more.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek Generations

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Ep 49 The Wrath of Khan Commentary : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Reaching the half way point of our voyage through Star Trek so that means commentary time. Joining us again is Charlie Brigden as we sit down and watch The Wrath of Khan on BluRay.
Apologies for the sound distortion due do technical difficulties, that creates some distortion and caused us go out of sync. However, we provide good banter as ever. Naturally as its Wrath of Khan we talk about Into Darkness, play spot the wig and accessorising armchairs into clothes.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Ep 48 The Undiscovered Country : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
As the crew of the USS Expect Us To Talk reach it’s final voyage with the original cast of Star Trek before a new crew take charge, Kirk and co try to make peace with the Klingons. However, when the Klingon ambassador is assassinated and the enterprise is seemingly to blame for the attack, Spock must figure out what happened as Kirk sands trail and peace is lost forever.
Join Becca, Dave, Chris and guest Charlie as we big farewell to Kirk and the gang as they go out with a bang. This installment has all the right ingredients, epic space battle, Nicholas Meyer returning, Shatner angry, a villain quoting Shakespear and of course an appearance from Christian Slater.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan commentary.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Ep 47 The Final Frontier : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
So we reach the fifth film The Final Insult… or Frontier if you will. Directed by the Shat himself, Star Trek 5 is considered the worst of the franchise. Will Becca, Dave, Chris, Charlie…. and son as special guest, agree, or does the film have some merit. The story follows a rescue attempt that leads to the Enterprise being taken over my mind controlling half brother of Spocks. THis sets them down a road to see the all mighty himself…… godface.
Listen as question was Shatner really a bad director, what Sean Connery would have been like or Roger Moore for that matter, how sexy is Uhura and finally what Charlies son made of the film. All this and more in this weeks episode.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Ep 46 The Voyage Home : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
After a break away we’re back with the fourth instalment of the Star Trek film series. Continuing on from The Search for Spock, the crew are still on the planet Vulcan and are set to travel home to face trial for insubordination. However, when a probe arrives and threatens Earth using the sounds of a now extinct Hump Back Whale, the team travel back in time to retrieve a two back to the future and save the planet.
Charlie joins us again as we talk about what might be the most accessible film of the franchise but possibly be the most dated. This is a first-time watch for Becca and Chris so listen to find out what they thought as well as funny usage of the word whale, nuclear wessels, how easy it is to break into a hospital,fun facts, Kirk getting turned down and Eddie Murphy of all things.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Ep 45 The Search For Spock : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
As Leonard Nimoy boldly steps into the directors chair for the thirds cinematic installment of the USS Enterprise. As the crew are in morning of a dear friend while on a voyage home, a ghost of Spock appears to entered the mind of McCoy. Naturally Kirk disobeys orders and steals the Enterprise from dismantlement to return to the Genesis planet to attempt to rescue the logical science officer. Only some Klingons stand in their way who want to obtain Genesis for themselves.
As a odd number Star Trek film, this is perceived as one of the bad ones. Will Becca, Chris, Dave and Charlie agree or will they find something of worth in the second of the loose Star Trek trilogy.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Ep 44 The Wrath of Khan : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
With one movie down and we’ve reached the best film to feature Khan Noonien Singh in it. In what is the best entry in the franchise Kirk played by Bill Shatner starts to feel old on his birthday. While on board on a newly spruced up USS Enterprise, the crew get a distress call from an old ex of Kirk’s Carol Marcus about her project Genisis being taken away from her. Little do they know they are walking into a trap as an old enemy Khan is seeking revenge.
Will Becca, Chris, Dave and Charlie agree that this is the best in the series…. Stay tuned and find out.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 3 : The Search for Spock

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Ep 43 Star Trek The Motion Picture : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Welcome as the Starship enterprise makes its first stop on its voyage with the first Star Trek film with the punchy title, The Motion Picture. In the first cinematic outing of the USS Enterprise is very true to the heart and soul of the show with added extended sequences of Kirk looking at a ship and spending ten minutes entering the mysterious cloud that is fast approaching earth destroying anything in its path.
Joining Becca, Chris and Dave on their Star Trek journey is fellow Star Trek fan Charlie Brigden as we talk about what we like and what we didn’t like about whether the odd films are always the weakest ones.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek 2 : The Wrath of Khan

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Ep 42 Star Trek Introduction Episode : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Another franchise over and we’re ready for another adventure… this time into space. As we prepare for our journey we bring along a guest with us. Joining our crew for this adventure we are joined by Charlie Brigden.
This episode we talk about Star Trek as the TV show before we take on the cinematic series. Charlie runs down some of the best episodes of the Original Series and the Next Generation that are considered the best and relate to the films themselves.
TOS Episodes
- Where No Man Has Gone Before
- The Menagerie,
- Balance of Terror
- The Galileo Seven
- Space Seed
- The Devil in the Dark
- Amok Time
- City on the Edge of Forever
- A Piece of the Action
TNG Episodes
- The Measure of a Man
- Q-Who
- The Best of Both Worlds
- Family,
- Unification
- The Inner Light
- Tapestry
- All Good Things.
It won’t be necessary to watch these episodes as we’ll talk about the films themselves, more of a light suggestion with your viewing.
Charlie has his own website and podcast called Films on Wax, please check it out and subscribe.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Star Trek or any other film series you’d like us to cover.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek The Motion Picture

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Ep 41 Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull : Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Indy is back for the final adventure… at least for now.. in Indiana Jones and The Crushing Disappointment …. sorry… I mean.. and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Harrison Ford is back and does his iconic hero justice. The same can’t be said for everyone else.
Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we chew on the perplexing mystery as to why Shia Labeouf was a thing, where it all went wrong and of course that sodding fridge.
You can follow us on Becca, Chris and Dave on Twitter
Please send us an email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Bond, Indy or Star Trek.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Star Trek with Charlie Brigdon