
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Ep10 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Commentary - Do You Expect Us To Talk
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
It’s commentary time again and this time we ask can Bond pull off a kilt? Join Becca, Chris and Dave watch while talking over what is probably the best Bond movie. We go off tangent of course and sometimes we just stop and watch the movie as well as going out of our way to offend everyone in a equal opportunity kind of way.
Please send us a email at expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback or add your own thoughts on Bond.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with SPECTRE Instant Reaction

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Ep9 Goldfinger Commentary - Do You Expect Us To Talk
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
This week is full of firsts on this week. This is the first our first commentary track and the first time we broke away from reviews. It’s also the first time when Chris is this weeks host… mainly because Rebecca couldn’t be bothered. Join Chris, Becca and Dave as we talk our way through the classic Goldfinger and stay off topic as per usual.
Why not send us a email expectustotalk@gmail.com to give us any feedback.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and if you like us leave us a lovely review as it helps us grow. If that wasn’t enough, you can even you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk will return

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Ep 8 Diamonds Are Forever - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Welcome to the next episode of Do You Expect Us To Talk? We’ve finally made it through to the end of the Connery era and a low point as well. Well.. for us it is as we reach what we all pretty much describe as the worst in the series.
Sean Connery is back to take on Charles Gray’s Blofeld as Bond goes to Vegas and looks a seedy as it sounds. Listen as our host Becca Andrews and her very own Mr Wint and Mr Kidd Chris Byrne and Dave Bond as we struggle to find something nice to say.
You can find us on iTunes and Stitcher and you can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Do You Expect Us To Talk will return with Goldfinger…. again.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Ep 7 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
So we finally arrive at the film we’ve been banging about the most. It’s Dave’s favourite Bond film Die Another DIe… no.. not really. It’s the single James Bond film to start George Lazenby.
Not just two hours of our host Becca and her minions Chris and Dave telling you guys it’s great… no… we also find time for blow job jokes. This is a stand out instalment and almost forgotten about up until it was reassessed. So we go through a lot of history that will continue into next week.
You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. you can email us at expectustotalk@gamil.com
And you can find us on iTunes and Stitcher or just use our feed feed://cinematronix.co.uk/category/do-you-expect-us-to-talk/feed/
Do you Expect Us to talk will return in Diamonds Are Forever

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Ep 6 You Only Live Twice - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
This episode on Do You Expect Us To Talk? We cover the 5th film in the Bond franchise You Only Live Twice. Becca hosts while Chris and Dave natter away as Bond goes to Japan and we first meet Bolfeld. Listen and enjoy.
You can email us expectustotalk@gmail.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Here is the feed http://cinematronix.co.uk/category/do-you-expect-us-to-talk/feed/
James Bond will return with On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Ep 5 Thunderball - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
A brand new episode of Do You Expect Us To Talk? is now up for your listening pleasure.
This episode is all about the forth instalment of the Bond series, Thunderball.
Our very own host Rebecca Andrews are joined by her two best agents with the assignment of chat, Chris Byrne and Dave Bond. As always we do go off tangent as much as we stay on topic and our Thunderball episode is no exception. However this is a stellar episode at nearly 2 hours long and has never a dull moment.
You can follow us on Twitter using the links above and give us a like on Facebook.
Also you can email us at expectustotalk@gmail.com if you have any feed back and we are available on iTunes and Stitcher

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Ep 4 Goldfinger - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Cue the big brass horns with Shirley Bassey passing out with Jimmy Page playing guitar (fun fact… Jimmy Page did play in that recording).. Yes it’s time for one of the.. if not the quintessential Bond film, Goldfinger.
Our host Becca Andrews guides us with her side kick henchmen Chris Byrne and David Bond (no relation to the fictional character in question) to talk about the third and arguably the best in the series and run the risk of angering Bond car enthusiasts all at the same time.
You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook and email us at expectustotalk@gamil.com
Do You Expect Us To Talk is available on iTunes and Stitcher so a lovely review or rating would be wonderful.
Enjoy this episode and Do You Expect Us To Talk will return with Thunderball.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Ep 3 From Russia With Love - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Welcome to episode 3 of Do You Expect Us to Talk? This episode Becca Chris and Dave chat all things From Russia With Love. The second James Bond film and still one of the best.
As usual we go in-depth and go off tangent about the film we’re discussing and we learn what wine goes with what and that for some reason Emma Bunton.
You can follow us on Twitter and you can follow us individually @R_ViewMovies @CinemaTronix and @thepastykid1976
You can drop us an email if you want to get in-touch ExpectUsToTalk@Gmail.com
And we’re on iTunes and Stitcher
Thanks for listening

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Ep 2 – Dr No - Do You Expect Us To Talk?
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
And we’re off…. starting with the very first film that started it all. The biggest and longest cinematic franchise that is Bond starring Sean Connery as 007.
Joining host Rebecca Andrews are Bond fans Chris Byrne and David Bond (no relation) as talk in depth and frequently go off tangent about 007’s first cinematic outing.
You can follow us on twitter {linked above) for send us some feedback to expectustotalk@gmail.com
You find us on iTunes and Stitcher so any review or rating would be great
Thank you.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Ep 1 Do You Expect Us To Talk
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Cue that classic Norman Monty guitar riff it’s a brand new podcast dedicated to the movies of James Bond 007. With the 24th Bond film Spectre just round the corner now is not better time to get excited the world most famous secret agent.
Hosted by Rebecca Andrews, she is joined by Dave Bond (no relation) and Chris Byrne, this first episode we just chat about the Bond films in general before we focus on each film individually. We talk about favourite Bond actors, films and gunbarrel’s.
You can follow us on twitter by clicking on our names above and why not give us some feed back by emailing expectustotalk@gmail.com